
Dreaming is best way to reality


Good Afternoon!

Last night, I had a dream about me lying inside a coffin. It's scary, isn't it? But, many people said that it's a good thing. It means that you'll be having a long life. Well, I hope it's really real.

Anyway, I believed that dreams is a premonition, a sign and warning on what will happen tomorrow or in the future. These recent weeks, I often to have weird dreams so I'm always searching for its meaning. Other than the dream I had last night was dreaming of walking in the middle of wide road where there are lots of huge grown weeds on both sides of the road and a wide ocean behind that huge weeds on the right side of the road. Meanwhile, a huge comet heading in the ocean. Minute after minute, the whole place become bright until the whole place was surrounded by a bright light cause of the comet. When the comet reached the ground, the whole place exploded and my body suddenly floated in the air. My body floats as the wind suddenly flew my body like a leaf towards the end of the road. As I've reached the end of the road, a dead snowy white place suddenly appeared before me. The whole place where I was before suddenly disappeared and turned into a dead snowy place. My body slumped in that snowy place, after a while...

A man covered in his thick coat suddenly appeared in front of me and headed towards me while reaching me by his hand. I can't see his face and I don't know if that person really is a man or a woman. However, a man came to my mind so I've though it's a man. After that, I woke up with hard breathing.

I've search it on the net... searching about having a dream about comet and reaching the end of the road. And as I searched about it, I've found out that something worst/bad situation will happen ahead but will end up into great success once you found the solution on that situation.

A few days passed, I went to the university to confirm my application for graduation and schockingly found out that my name wasn't found in the list of the official candidates for graduation. I went back home and told my parents about it, the house turns out into a total chaos. My sister went to the university along with me to know what happened and to know the whole story and found out that I didn't went to the registrar office to get my application. I've thought that what all I have to do is to register my name and info at the deans office where there's a list for application for graduation. I thought it's enough but it wasn't. All my preparations I've done, even paying the required payments turned into waste. And I've thought that maybe this is what I've dreamt means.

Right now, I'm one of the official candidates fro graduation and I've already confirmed it. Thankfully it really turns out just fine like what the dream said.


That's why I'm very relieved. ^^











でも、の前に...  「駄洒落の日本語言葉遊び!」 を紹介しましょう!よーーーーしゃ!


「再生する」という言葉は非常に多用途です。これは、友達と遊ぶこと、電話で遊ぶこと、何か楽しいことを話すときに遊ぶを使うことができます。これは、私たちが知っている限り、これらの言葉は、カラオケ、友達とビデオゲームをすること、または夜を飲むことになる可能性があります。言葉になりをあそび、若いするよ! 笑ww 



駄洒落 (ダジャレ)











アルミ 缶の 上にあるみかん。







  • 傷んだ 廊下にいたんだろうか。
  • 美味しいレトルト、甥仕入れとると。
  • 檀、寿司集った後にダンスしたかった。
  • 野菜コーナーや、最高な。
  • 「良い鯛捌くで!」言いたい砂漠で。
  • レバノンでレバ?ノン!
  • 『超熟ロール』食べて、長寿クロール。
  • 非番産科医、この日晩餐会。
  • シソを噛んだ、警視総監だ。
  • 勘で、干しイカ噛んで欲しいか?
  • 記事にクノールの苦、載る。
  • 砂糖•塩に、さあ投資を。
  • タレ足すレタス
  • ねぇ…サンマだ。姉さん、まだ?
  • アキラ、メロンソーダ諦め論争だ。
  • 餡蜜買った所を杏見付かった。
  • 「イクラ買います」って人は幾らか居ます。
  • 不味い海苔にならぬよう先ず祈りなさい。
  • 鴨出汁かも?だし…。
  • 越前ガニ若くてはエッチ前科に。
  • 香草買いに、高層階に。
  • 高価なイカも、効果無いかも。
  • パリのお菓子はやっぱりパリパリ。
  • 彦星がジュースを ひ~こぼした!
  • 北酒場へ来たさカバ。
  • シフォンケーキ屋の資本景気。
  • パンイチ麻衣はパン一枚。
  • 「良い鱒捌くで!」言います砂漠で。
  • 嗚呼、岩魚食らい “I wanna cry.”
  • マダム、中華にまだ夢中か?
  • 生姜加えたので少額は得た。
  • 洋館の羊かんはよー噛んで食べましょう❗
  • チョコケーキ買って超好景気。
  • 社交界で、シャコを買い。
  • スノーデンに酢のおでん。
  • お肉炒め、鬼悔いた目。
  • カラムーチョ食べて絡む千代。
  • この甘鯛いる?あーまだいい。
  • 安倍晋三の。あべぇ、心臓。
  • 焼酎幸福で。小中高吹く。
  • クリームシチューで栗蒸し中。
  • 桜桃・梨には応答なし。
  • 邪悪なジャークチキン。
  • ハイネケン飲む這い寝ケン。
  • モルツ飲み過ぎて小便漏るっ!!
  • トータルで、糖足る?
  • なるとを持った気に、なると思った。
  • 塩見三省が師を見、賛成。
  • 明日母ちゃんと飲む、愛鷹茶。
  • 妹さん、芋落とさん?
  • チョコ溶かして ちょこっと貸して!
  • 蕎麦ない古都では遊ばないこと。
  • 出発新香~


